Bistro Table Rentals


per additional day


for 8 hours

item unavailable (change date)

Circuits needed:


Item Dimensions:

4 x 4 x 6

Space Needed:

5 x 5 x 8

Product Information:

Add a touch of sophistication to your event with the Bistro Table Rental from Just in Case Party Rentals! This stylish table is perfect for any occasion and can accommodate up to 4 people. It's the perfect size for a small group to sit and enjoy a meal play a board game or have a casual conversation. The compact size and sturdy construction make it suitable for both indoor and outdoor events. The Bistro Table Rental is a perfect choice for any gathering where you want to add a bit of elegance. Whether you're hosting a birthday party wedding reception or corporate event the Bistro Table is a practical and stylish choice. Don't let a lack of seating ruin your next event rent the Bistro Table today and provide your guests with a comfortable and sophisticated place to gather!


  • We deliver to Buffalo NY and surrounding areas (delivery fees calculated at checkout).
  • Can also be delivered and set up indoors
  • Overnights Can Be Added For Free (Pickup Next Day After Noon)
  • Additional Days Can Be Added For $3 per table


  • You can reschedule your rental due to rain at no extra cost as long as 24 hour notice before delivery is given.


  • 2 people per table
  • These tables are sitting height. Use PRODUCT60Cocktail Table Rentals/ for standing version.


  • All rentals are cleaned and sanitized before and after each use!


  • ✅Bistro Table Rentals
  • ✅8 Hours Of Rental Use


  • ➡️Enough space for us to setup your rental (Click size tab next to product)
  • ➡️Here is a link if you need to add CATEGORY21chairs/!
  • ➡️Set up and take down of tables not included.
  • ➡️Price is for outside drop off. Long distances steps or elevators may incur additional fees.
  • ➡️Contact Us for any questions online or by calling 7168120818

At Just In Case Party Rentals we use wood tables for our party equipment rentals because they are more stable then plastic tables! We love renting tables with our other products but we can do table and chair only events! Everyone needs tables and chairs for large parties but having to buy them is a problem! We give you joy of owning tables without having to store them year round!

View all our Party Packages!

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Professional delivery to Buffalo, NY, Western New York and surrounding areas. Please submit a quote or contact us to be sure we service your area.