Frequently Asked Questions

Yes our best deals and discounts can always be found on our party package page!

Add items to your cart and fill out booking questions to book online or you can call us at 716-812-0818 to book your order! You will receive an email saying your items are reserved for your date when complete.

Yes! All of our units are cleaned thoroughly. We are committed to making sure that your children are playing in a clean, well maintained, and safe environment. After each rental, every unit is thoroughly cleaned by our on staff  cleaners. Once the item is clean, it will be inspected to ensure cleanliness.

Just like a car rental company you can rent any item for one day or even rent by the month. Some items like foam parties and silent discos are by the hour!

Yes we love to work with large events and festivals! We understand a good understanding of space and layout is necessary when planning large events!

When playing on inflatables shoes are not to be warn at anytime! Also participants must follow all other rules and guidelines for other types of equipment as well.

We provide rainchecks for up to 1 1/2 years after your party due to bad weather. Two days notice before delivery must be given and once the event is set up there are no refunds do to bad weather. (This includes rain and wind)

Yes we are. For additional insurance information just ask our office by email or phone. We understand insurance and events can be a tricky subject and we not only prepared but pretty fast at handling these requirements.

We can provide staff for all of our rental items for just about any type of event. Staff rates are $35 to $60 an hour. For every 3 staff members 1 extra is needed for relief or supervision.

1 dedicated circuit is needed for any inflatable blower. Outlet must be less the 100ft away. Generators are available for power concerns just ask.

Set up varies depending on the rental. and some rentals we set up days in advance due to volume of items. Just ask your sales rep about estimated set up for your specific event and they will e happy to tell you!

Rentals are reserved on a first come first serve basis and we always encourage people to book as soon as they have their date ready!

Inflatables and tents are delivered and set up by our professional staff but there are some items available for pick up just ask.

We have a video that explains everything on our home page, this page or you can click HERE to watch as well!

Sizes are listed on every product page under the picture and in the description. If you have further questions about space or requirements for specific items just give us a call or email!

We can set up all our equipment almost anywhere that’s a a flat surface. Inflatables can not be set up in dirt, mud, or rocks but can be set up indoors. Tents can be set outdoors in a flat area but not indoors.

We will deliver to the moon if you want to pay for delivery. We have done events as far as Florida. No event or special function is too big or too small.

Just give us a call before we lave for pick up. Extra days or overnights are easily added. 

Yes we do but we require written consent from the park and there is a fee for timed delivery at parks depending on size of order.

Yes you can always add more items up to delivery date. Taking items off may incur a %25 reservation fee.

Yes %25 of your order is due to reserve your booking and is non refundable.

We can help plan your event if needed just ask!

Customers agree to provide at least 14 days’ notice to Just In Case Party Rentals in the event of a cancellation of the planned activities. Failure to notify Just In Case Party Rentals will result in a cancellation charge of $100 on orders under $400 and for orders over $400 there will be a $150 cancellation charge for a single unit rental or $100 per unit cancellation charge for rentals with more than one unit.  If the balance has been paid in full regardless of the cancellation term you will be issued a rain check that is good for a year and six months from the party date.

Still have questions?

Feel free to use our Contact Form to reach out to us anytime.

Things To Consider Before Renting

Inflatable Safety Instructions

How To Book Online

Inflatable Overnight Instructions

How To Use A Snow Cone Machine

How To Use A Popcorn Machine

How To Use A Cotton Candy Machine

How To Use A Dunk Tank

Thank You For Choosing Us!